Question for any dentists out there? Please help!!!

So exactly a week ago, I got my wisdom teeth removed. Since about day 3 post-surgery, I noticed drainage from only one extraction site. It is EXTREMELY unpleasant. (Foul smell + taste) I called into the dentist to make sure I wasn’t developing an infection or something, they seemed confused because the tooth area looked good apparently. They basically just told me to rinse more. (I’ve been syringe-rinsing 5+ times daily already)

I thought well, this is probably nothing right? The dentist said I look okay. It’ll probably stop soon.

This is day 7 and IT HAS NOT STOPPED. It’s to the point where Im actually putting gauze over the area and when i change it, it shows that it has absorbed a yellow fluid (this is gag-worthy disgusting I’m sorry)

I’ve really been trying to not be a baby about this whole ordeal, I know my body is still healing, but this has been bothering me A LOT, it even interferes with eating & I’ll wake up in the middle of the night from how nasty it is, so I’ll rinse again.

What is this? Will it ever stop? Why is it only happening from one extraction site? (Top left)

Please help!!

UPDATE: let me also add that I’m on antibiotics to “prevent” infection.... so what could the dentist do for me if I go back? Thanks all

**UPDATE 2**

So after a few days, the drainage subsided a bit, I thought I was going to be fine... until it began coming from my NOSE 🤢🤢🤢 I called the dentist yet again, and explained the situation, they couldn’t get me in until later the next week, and advised me to go to the hospital if I couldn’t deal with it, so I did. After half a day in the waiting room 😑😑😑 and a CT scan, it was determined that I actually have a hole in the bone that connects my teeth to my lower sinuses, and that was infected. Thus the draining from all locations. So. Yay me. On stronger antibiotics now & doing much better!! Lowkey pissed at the dentist tho for not taking me very seriously at the first follow up appt I scheduled... also don’t know why I have a hole in my bone to begin with! I think it must have been during the tooth extraction?

Thanks for the advice y’all