Losing it!!

I’ve had 4 surgeries. 2 on my neck and 2 in my stomach. Tonsillectomy due to constant inflammation, partial thyroidectomy due to a thyroid nodule, myomectomy due to uterine fibroids, and a hysterectomy due to uterine fibroids....IM TIRED! I have a cyst on my right ovary. I can physically feel a small nodule growing in my left thyroid. I’m praying it’s my glands just swelling up. My bowels have mucus in it. I get sharp pains in my stomach. I’m not sexually active but now I have small bumps on the roof of the inside of my mouth, and also on the bottom of my tongue. The doc says it’s yeast but the antibiotics did not work and I had 2 doses... wtf is wrong with me!?! Not to mention my hormones are going NUTS!! I can’t take anymore doctor visits! I’m tired of seeing doctors! I’m worried, VERY WORRIED! I wish my dad was here... he always knew what to say when I was afraid...😔😢