Duromine, Phentermine?

Basically I'm 21, I had a baby 6 months ago and my pre pregnancy weight is 133. I'm 170lbs now and that was also my end pregnancy weight which I'm ashamed to say. it's summer. I never have time for exercise with the baby and working and I'm constantly just eating and always hungry, sometimes I'm ashamed to say I can't stop myself and I feel horribly guilty for it afterwards and disgusted with myself. I gag when trying to force myself to eat any sort of vegetables. And for me there's never enough time to figure out some special way to make them. I'm considered obese.

I was just wondering how you go about making an appointment with a doctor to try this medicine, or to even talk about trying some way of weight loss, I've never seen a doctor before for something like this. I go to a clinic so I don't know how that all works to make an appointment for that.