

Hi, so I’m 17, and I need some advice on something. So I am very insecure about myself and a lot of people call me pretty, but I feel like it’s only because I have big boobs. I try to be nice to everyone. And I don’t like a lot of attention, but I feel like people just think I’m dramatic.... Being pretty only gets you so far. Being nice gets used. I’m terrified to getting murdered... and trafficked. I’m not allowed out after 10 because my parents are terrified I’m gonna get trafficked. I’m almost 18. Im almost a legal adult in societies eyes and I’m terrified to stay at home by myself because I’m scared I’m gonna get kidnapped! I’m scared to get in a relationship or to trust anyone because I’m scared I’m gonna get hurt again my last boyfriend pressured me into sex... I’m scared I’m gonna get killed. That’s my biggest fear. Getting murdered. And my dumbass is not mean. I don’t think, I hope not!! But I am scared I’m gonna end up marrying a murderer.... in January, I fell in love with my best friend and lost his love because I kissed his best friend... because I felt sorry for him..

! It makes me feel stupid. I feel like everything I say is taken as an actual joke. But the truth is that sometimes I get fucking terrified if I see certain people. And I can’t breathe right and I can’t think right and i just want to die. And I love this guy who was my best friend and he calls me beautiful but ever since 2 weeks ago he has stopped talking to me. I guess I just want to know what other people think. Am I being dramatic. I just am lost right now.