How to deal with this ?

So I know some ladies in here have MIL issues to .

So little back story me and her use to be on good terms but until I got my sister in laws the sister in laws get along but MIL goes behind all our back and talks shit and then denys it and crys victim well recently I caught her in a lie and my husband told her about it and she lied and said she never said it and Said I was lying and stuff so I cut her off completely don't talk to her or anything so I'm currently pregnant and i told my husband if he wanted her to the babyshower he had to send the invitation I wasn't so he did and she ran and told my sis in law she was mad and hurt I didn't send it or left a paper one MIND U NO ONE GOT PAPER ONE . And told my sister in law she wasn't going to go bc she didn't want people making faces at her MIND NO ONE KNOWS WE ARUGE BESIDES MY MOM AND SHE ISN'T THE TYPE TO BE UGLY. MIL ALWAYS WANTS TO MAKE SOME ABOUT HER , but then she told my man she wasn't going bc she had to work which I know is bs bc she always misses work or switches days and we sent invitations out 3 weeks b4 so she could've made some happen but whatever

So I was like whatever then we went to the store today and my daughter called for her and she dead ass ignored her so I texted her saying that why she do that to her and it's fine and don't let it happened again bc I'll go off on her . And she once again lied said she didn't see or hear us and them wrote back saying I'm trying to keep her son away from her like wtf I never nor will I ever tell my man don't speak or visit her but she has it in her mind I guess that I do . She so fake after not speaking to her for months she still talks shit about me to my sister laws and others HOW THE FUCK DO I JUST CUT HER OFF AND BE GOOD . NO I DON'T CARE IF MY KIDS VISIT HER BUT DON'T TALK ABOUT ME OR SPEAK TO ME IM SO OVER HER . WHAT HAVE Y'ALL DONE IN SITUATIONS LIKE THIS ??