"A Bad Mother"


Hello all! I am really struggling with the thought of returning to work. I work full time monday through friday. 7:30-4 pm. My little girl will be 8 weeks at that time. I keep thinking that working that much and being away from her for that long makes me a bad mother. Even though I work hard and have ever since ive been 16, I am 25 now. My father was a really hard worker..firefighter, military, paramedic. He was gone ALLLLL of the time. But i never ever thought of him as a bad father because of him working so much. Now that he is older he regrets working that much when we were babies/kids. He told me " dont work your life away like i did" :( his jobs were all on call ansd with the military would be gone for weeks at a time. Is my schedule okay with my little girl? Is that to much time away from her. Ill be home at 4 pm everyday and have the weekends and holidays off. This is just really hard for me. She is my first baby. Any advice from other working mommas? Here is a pic just cause