It is NOT like “a normal period”

Jessica • Army wife❤️ mommy to a 🌈 💙

This is very long, so please bear with me..

I had a miscarriage in May at 11 weeks... it was traumatizing. I went in for my first ultrasound and i was so nervous but everyone kept saying its gonna be okay. I was 11 weeks and 1 day.

They did the ultrasound and they told me there was no heartbeat and that in the next week I would miscarry. Two days later, I started spotting. They told me it would be like a normal period, just with a little more cramps. I thought I was prepared. I went to my parents because my birthday was coming up.

Right after I got there I started having some sharp pains in my lower abdomen and lower back. I also could feel a clot partially coming out but I felt the urge to push (I had just gone to the bathroom and changed my pad 5 minutes prior to this) so I go to the bathroom and pull my pants down to see that I completely soaked through the extra heavy overnight pad that I only had on for 5 minutes.

I go to sit down and blood goes everywhere. I mean everywhere and I’m in so much pain having to push out clots like I’m in labor. Huge clots like 5 inches long. And pouring blood. I started seeing stars and the room started spinning. I felt like needles were sticking in every part of my body and I passed out. I thought I was dying.

My mom took me to the hospital because I was told that if I bled through two pads in an hour to go and I bled through one in 5 minutes. It eased up a bit when I was at the hospital. They told me it was normal and that I still had more to pass but it wouldn’t be as bad. They were wrong.

After I left the hospital I felt better so I went with my mom to work (she is a kindergarten teacher) because it was only a half day so we wouldn’t be there for very long. I started having contractions again when we got there so I just laid down. I felt okay enough to go outside with her to help get the kids on the bus, after a minute I sat down because I started to get light headed. Then all of the stars and needles came back and I passed out again.

It was the worst experience of my life and the worst part lasted for 3 days. I bled for 12.

Fast forward to me going back home. I had a follow up appointment on the 3rd of June to make sure everything had passed and my levels had gone down all the way.

I found out I was pregnant again on June 22nd and I’m miscarrying again... I’m starting to think something is wrong with me. I just feel so empty inside...