why would you bring a baby into it😩

This girl i know announced her pregnancy today, it really irritates me, not because i can’t get pregnant ( i am 29 weeks pregnant myself ) but because she is constantly posting how she is homeless, she has no money for food, she has no money for things and posted 2 days ago “ we literally have no money or food, we have no furniture and going to end up homeless in 2 days. “ i know she purposely got pregnant ( i know her, im really good friends with her sister, her sister told me ) so why would she purposely bring a child into this when she doesn’t have enough money for herself? it just really irritates me. i’m not saying she’s going to be the worst mother ever, just she can’t provide for herself, how is she going to a child..?😕 it makes me sad.. her sister was crying because she said she knows her future nephew/niece is going to suffer so badly.. i just felt so bad for this unborn child..


She does have a job, but she goes from job to job every week and can never stick to one, shes always posting on FB “ can someone paypal me $20 i haven’t ate in 3 days “ which i have gave her the money a few times. Her boyfriend ( who she is pregnant to ) doesn’t work.

Also, i know its not my problem but i cannot help but feel sorry for the unborn baby. 🤷🏼‍♀️ im a mom myself, what can i say. clearly i cannot do anything about it, just needed to rant.