Is it wrong?

I feel like I’m no longer sexually attracted to my fiancé. I love him as a person but I think I’m growing to dislike him. We had our baby 2 months ago and it’s like all he does is piss me off. Every time I ask him to do something for her he waits until he feels like it to do it but when I do that he gets upset. Even when we were in the hospital I asked him to watch her so i could go shower and he went to sleep, if I hadn’t come out of the bathroom to check on them he would’ve never woken up to realize she was crying. Every time I try to go to the bathroom or take a shower he will just let her cry then when i come in the room he acts as if he’s doing something to soothe her and when I say something to him about it he wants to yell and say “she’s going to cry regardless” well how come every time I GET HER she’s calm and quiet? It seems like he gets angry when he has to do things for her and it bugs me so bad. Then he gets so upset when I don’t want to have sex with him like you don’t do ANYTHING I ask of you but you want to try and have sex with me? It’s disgusting to me. I don’t like when he kisses me I just think it’s not going to work out and I don’t know how to tell him because I don’t think he will change. It’s like he doesn’t want to take care of her at all but gets mad at me when I’m tired. What do I do? I don’t like talking to him because he doesn’t listen or he will try to flip the conversation im so tired of it and we’ve been together for almost 5 years. All opinions welcome.