First TWW After MC

Tash • 🌈 🌈👼 👼

It took two years and Clomid to finally get pregnant... We were so happy our little one had a heart beat was all good the ER has told us. Three Days later I had a ultrasound with my Dr it was supposed to be our first but it was our second... No heart beat.. We were deviated than I had to wait, and wait, and wait... Finally I had to take medicine to help things a lot but they didn’t work during the D&C they noticed I have a bicornuate uterus. That was January/February... we’ve decided to start trying again and I took a round of Clomid and got a positive ovulation test yesterday CD16 and I’m terrified! I’m terrified to get a BFN, I’m terrified to get a BFP.... I’m terrified to have another MC.... I’m terrified of being pregnant and giving birth to early... I’m not scared I’m TERRIFIED to the point of holding back tears when ever it creeps back in to my head 😭 I try and stay positive but I’m terrified and I have to say it....