Fight with my partner

I am sooooo exhausted i mean my baby is 15 weeks and for the last week it has been hell, he’s not sleeping more than 2 hours, then naps are 30 mins long i am tired i cant even go outside and enjoy the weather because even my eyes hurt, all i want from this stupid man (my partner) is to help me at least ONCE a night.. we had this argument about it before yesterday and yesterday he decided to go to A bbq for 10 hours straight with his friends while of course i stayed home with the baby super tired.. please tell me my baby will sleep through the night some day cus its killing me.. i am considering sleep training him because i have to go back to work in august and my baby just sleeps if you rock him and then on top or next to me and i know in a daycare he’s going to cry so much if he doesnt learn how to sleep on his own