Just looking for help

I feel like I can’t talk on this much because whenever I do I get yelled at. I’m constantly called twiggy and small and on occasion anorexic...Idk how others see me but when I see myself in the mirror? My stomach is huge and everything looks gross. I’m about to be 18 and I feel like I have the body of a 6th grader....I know that plus size girls get more unwanted and rude comments but I’ve always been small I guess and I always has these comments....I got them from mothers when I was trying in prom dresses and whenever I wear a bathing suit. I hate my body and constantly find myself looking at pictures of girls that I think are beautiful and I’m tired of not seeing myself that way.. I’m 5’2 ..I refuse to know my weight. I’m a 34 c..my waist is 25 inches and my hips are 36inches