My son came in to this world with his dad by my side in less than 48 hours he's dadless


I had my son June 30th just before midnight. His dad was there we was together in this. Now my son is 2 days old with no dad. Just me. All because the kitchen put I lid on his dad's plate and it got stuck a bit. Well I was in labor for 25 hours had a emergency c section after all that time to save my son and my self. I'm a ftm and this was his first son. Well he works in the morning so I was understanding but last night I was up all night and I mean all night with my son no sleep because he wouldn't sleep and his dad would get mad if he cried because he had to be up for work. I'm swollen and have over 15 Staples in my belly. Iv slept maybe a total of 5 hours now since my son was born. He's had much more sleep than I have. Well anything I say pisses him off. Even if I'm being nice. He don't want to help with much he maybe changed 3 diapers if that while iv changed the rest while sore as can be. I'm taking care of my son why he sits and plays on his phone. This morning I was so tired plus the pain meds make me more tired but my son wanted held so I was holding him and I fell asleep instead of him taking the baby he left him on me. My son rolled off me on to the bed. Had he rolled to the right he would've landed on the floor. He blamed me for falling asleep. I'm breasts feeding and my God they hurt but I'm doing it. He Invited his family up to see baby while I'm feeding him. His family didn't even ask how I was going just came and held baby for a few mins and left because he was cranky like duh he just got his circumcision done a few hours ago. Well this man left me today because I wouldn't be a mat he can walk on and talk shit to anymore. So now I'm in the hospital with just my son sore as can be with no help but the nurses who just want baby in the nursery instead of hanging in my room. I'm so hurt I don't even know what to do. And the bad thing is we just signed the birth certificate and his name is a Jr after his dad. Now I want his name to be what I picked and my last name since this man don't want to be in his life now.

This sweet little man don't deserve that kinda life. He deserves the best 💙