Revenge body!?!

So in high school I was severely chubby. I was going thru depression and this dude that was a grade above me use to literally fat shame me and talk so much shit and call me chubby squirrel or chipmunk cheeks or whatever came to mind. 5 years later and I have a slim waist and big booty. And I look amazing even after giving birth ok! Momma got it going on! And today I’m jogging home and a car is driving by me slowly and I’m like who the fuck is that I don’t know anybody with a burgundy Mercedes and I kinda panic cause I’m like who is that and the window rolls down and lord and be hold it’s the fucking guy!! And I am shocked asf ok honey! He was a big fat mess in this tiny car and had the AUDACITY to ask for my number saying I look good to which I replied “NO YOU FATASS CHIPMUNK SQUIRREL HOW YOU LIKE DEM APPLES BITTTCCHHHH!