22lbs down in 9 weeks!!

CLEAN EATING AND EXERCISE no tablets no fad diets no shakes!

Weighing my heaviest in the first picture 85kg 🙄 I wasn’t really bothered I continued eating whatever I wanted I thought being on my feet all day was good enough, it wasn’t until I attended a circuit class with my sister that I realised how bad my fitness was. I barely completed the class! From then my weight loss journey began.

I started doing 1:1 classes twice a week if and when I could making changes to my diet and trying new foods I thought I hated. I hit a Plato at week 3 because I was having cheat days and falling off track due to stress. Trying to fit working out into full time work was frustrating, however I pushed myself even more and started the ladies circuit classes. Slowly I started seeing results and massive improvements in my fitness.

6 weeks in I dropped 15lbs losing 2 and half inches off my waist and inches off the rest of my body I was determined, or was I? I fell off the rails again for a whole week! I began emotional eating (my biggest down fall) the food was making me feel even worse 😭 making all the wrong choices I bounced back and told my PT what was happening then the motivational speech came đŸ’ȘđŸœ

(Picture on the right) weighing 74kg I have dropped a dress size and well on my way to my goal weight. I can honestly say every session has been tough but worth it! 68 days until I go on holiday and almost ready feeling a lot better about myself and encouraged by other ladies on the same journey.

Inspirational sayings that kept me going:

“weight loss is not a sprint it’s a marathon”

“Remember why you started”

“Push through the red zone, every moments counts”