
Abbie • 28 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

Has anyone tested with a frer 4 days before period got a negative but still been pregnant? I took a cheapie and a frer this morning and both were negative. I think I'm around 10 dpo according to this app I didn't use ovulation strips (when I got a positive with my first I was 10 dpo according to the app) and can't help but feel I'm out. I've been having cramps in my stomach and had a bad wave of neusea yesterday where I thought I was going to be sick but then it went away and haven't had it that bad since. My nipples are slightly sore but that's it. I know people say you're only out till af shows but it's so hard not to feel sad and disappointed already. Trying very hard to stay positive and hoping it's just still too early.