Slutty pics

So my husband promised not to look at porn anymore after we had a deep convo about how it made me feel when he searched for specific types of women. I understand it’s normal or whatever people say. For me and my marriage it doesn’t work. So recently I found out he was seachingfor ‘slutty naked women’ images. We fought and he eventually apologized but we haven’t actually discussed the whole thing. We started to have sex later the next day and I just couldn’t. I had to stop in the middle bc I tried to get into it but my mind just couldn’t stop thinking about the pics and the broken promises. It’s the second time he’s lied about this issue. At this point I’m done even asking him to do anything. I love and in love with him still. He’s really been very loving lately bc i know he knows he’s in trouble. I told him I can’t have sex with him til I can get past it and not talking about it doesn’t help. He is still avoiding the topic. I think he thinks he can just make it up to me and romanticize me. It’s been a wk of no sex and i told him I’m not punishing him at all it’s just I can’t get in the mood. I’m usually always horny too! This issue has just rocked our marriage where i know we can fix it but he needs to be willing to talk. He pushes me to talk all the time but with him I get a wall most times.

Any advice? Please no judgment, be kind.