Husband Facebook stalking

Am I wrong for confronting my husband for Facebook stalking someone? A few months back like in Jan I caught him on a everyday type girl page everyday multiple times a day. He apologized and said he would stop. Two weeks later he was back on her page multiple times a day and I confronted him again. He later began deleting his search history and slipped up yesterday and forgot to and again he Facebook stalking this girl. Now some may say I sound insecure I don't mind him looking when I know that person is not accessible. Now when u can access a person I have a problem and he has cheated multiple times in the past. He said sorry again last night. but the real kicker is we agree to never have a Facebook and he snuck and created one behind my back so I made one

Then he created Facebook rules he constantly breaks. Idk how to feel or what to do. I feel like he can go be with her since he so obsessed . He also blames me. He had verbally and emotionally abused me for years. he says it's my fault because I domt do what he likes but hes lying. And all the time i cant dress up when i an the one who pays all the Bill's and clothe the kids .