The weird way I got my BFP

So I just wanted to share the story of how I got my BFP because it was definitely an odd one and if you're late and still testing negative DONT count yourself out! It's kind of long 🙈
My LMP was towards the end of July so that would put me at ovulating somewhere in the middle of August. DH and I BD every other day. When it was time for my period to come (I was on Metformin so I knew it would come soon) there was no sign of AF apart from sore nipples. And they weren't even that bad. I tested the day of the missed period and BFN. I tested again two days later and the same result. I tested again 6 days after missed period and still nothing. I then waited until the next week and told myself and DH that if it wasn't positive I was going to the Dr. because the Metformin must have stopped working for me (little did I know). So I tested the following week with the faaaaintest positive 
At first I couldn't believe it because it was baaarely there. But then I went out and got a FRER and...
Still faint but definitely there! I went the next day to confirm with a blood test and my levels were only at 14! But after more blood tests they were doubling so I wasn't too concerned. After my first ultrasound we learned that I was only 3w3d when I first found out and I must have ovulated towards the end of August. And when I look at my chart DH and I only BD once the week I got pregnant! Lol so what I'm trying to say with this looooong post is that to not give up if you're late and still negative and to not count yourself out of the running after you think you've ovulated! It's funny because after my second BFN we went of and bought pre-seed, geritol liquid, and a whole bunch of ovulation tests (all of which are just sitting there now) lol. So you can do this ladies 💪🏼