PCOS Femara/Letrozole IUI ***UPDATE***

Selena • TTC W/ PCOS. 16 months and counting.. Hoping for baby #1 soon! Cycle #1 Letrozole IUI-CANCELED🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 Cycle #2 Combo Letrozole/Follistim-TWW

Well I posted here not too long ago and I was starting my first Letrozole <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> cycle. I was given 5mg over 5 days (CD4-8) and then monitored with follicular ultrasound and LH bloodwork. (CD8, 12 and 14) I had my 3rd US and bloodwork yesterday (CD14) and got a call from my Doctors nurse saying that I have no dominant follicles and my LH levels are still baseline. So no indication that I am or will ovulate. Pretty discouraging and very frustrating. With that being said, she told me that my Doctor, instead of waiting for another cycle, wants me to start another 5 days (CD14-18) of Letrozole and she upped my dose to 7.5mg. So I started last night and I will go for a follicular US and bloodwork Monday. Has this happened to anyone? I’m trying to stay positive but I’m mentally and physically drained. We’ve been TTC for 16 months and I’m just tired of waiting and I hate PCOS. 🤞🏼 that 7.5mg gets me ovulating.

Original Post:

Hey everyone! Long story short.... My husband and I started trying to conceive March 2018, June 2018 found out I had PCOS. Waited a year to contact a fertility specialist (only 25). March 2019 we met with her and she is supposed to be one of the best in Texas! Forward to May 2019, had to take progesterone to get my cycle started so we would start the diagnostic testing and she has confirmed my PCOS, HSG great, Labs great, Husbands sperm, great! She recommended we do Femara

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>

because she said it works better than clomid for women with PCOS (she said “you have a lot of eggs and your husband has a lot of sperm, it’s just a matter of getting them together at the right moment; she’s very optimistic). Now, I started a natural cycle (YAY!) Yesterday and will beginning the

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>

Cycle starting Friday with Day 3 labs (which is really day 4 since Thursday is Independence Day) and I am nervous! What can I expect? Symptoms? The process? I honestly didn’t think it would be here so fast because my cycles are usually 60-70 days and this one started after 41. TIA! 😃