Trying to convince my husband we need a third.


So long story short we have two amazing boys our youngest is 4 and oldest is 10. I have always wanted a baby girl which I’d be happy with a boy too and my husband was like nope no more kids. A few weeks ago I was diagnosed with endometriosis and was told I might need a full hysterectomy. At first I was ok but then I kept feeling like I want one more I don’t want to give up the chance to have another baby just like that. We just moved and my husband wants to wait a year before trying and he’s scared of three and is very like we need to be ready. I feel like in a year there is going to be another reason why we should wait longer. Our first is mine from a previous marriage and our second was a surprise while on the pill. Which I tried for over a year for us to try to start having a baby when we got the surprise I was pregnant. I feel like he’s never going to be on board since he really wasn’t in the first place. What can I do or any advice on how to get him on board.