Mouth full of cavities

I go to the dentist next week and I’m terrified and embarrassed.

I’ve always gotten cavities super easy, I haven’t been able to go to then dentist in 5-6 years due to my insurance getting cut off and I just couldn’t afford it where I live. I finally got new insurance and made my appointment but I’m just anxious thinking about going.

I know I need to get these taken care of before they get worse than they already are. And when I say I have a mouth full of cavities I’m not exaggerating. I wish I was.😩 I’m not ready.

10/8/19 Update:

I did end up having quite a few cavities that involved several dentist trips, where I also found out I had to get all four of my wisdom teeth removed plus two extra teeth I had.

I got my cavities taken care of and I got my wisdom teeth taken out in July.

Everything was fairly quick and easy. I was worried for nothing!