All in my head?

So lately I've been feeling very nauseas at night for no reason (no change in diet and drink plenty of water). Currently I'm five days away from my expected period and haven't had strong symptoms like I usually do for PMS. Usually the week before, my breasts are sore, I break out, crave junk food, moody and some cramping. Breasts are a little tender but nothing like I expect them to be, and acne/mood is pretty under control....but nausea is new and it's been happening for a few days now. I took a test this morning and BFN. I know it's still early and I'll try testing again if I miss my period (predicted Oct. 5th). My question to you ladies is have you had a lack of intensity or lack of symptoms all together and found out you were pregnant? Or added symptoms that are irregular to your normal?