High heels boots found in straight boyfriends drawer

I’m writing this on behalf of my friend as we are both really confused about her situation and need some other thoughts on it...

Note: writing from her POV

So my boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for 3.5 years. We don’t live together but i called round to his house while he was working to feed his cat.

I decided to give his place a quick tidy as he was working a late shift. I went into his room to get one of my bobbles, I went to empty his bin into the bin bag I had and as I tipped the rubbish out I found condom wrappers and 2 sex toy boxes.

I know my boyfriend has a drawer with sex toys in. Now, I know he has a tight/pantyhose fetish band he enjoys anal play and owns some relatively large anal toys.

I haven’t questioned his sexuality until now. I went into ehis drawer which I know I shouldn’t have but we both knows that I know what’s in the drawer, until now.

I found a pack of thick tights but I know his fetish is for the lower denier. I also found a pair of WOMENS HIGH HEEL BOOTS??

Now what do I do.

We haven’t been intimate for a month and a half, but this is a common pattern where every few months he goes distant in terms of sex.

I know he still masturbates as he has made school boy errors by leaving his internet open on porn when I’ve had to borrow his phone when mine has died etc.

What do I do? Is he cheating or is he wearing them hihimself? I also found a 36B bra (uk size) from primark. He doesn’t drive and wouldn’t travel half an hour into town to go to primark to buy a bra? The chest size is big enough for him to wear...

So woman to woman, Please help me out 🙁