Keeping toddler occupied while nursing new baby



Any ideas? Tips? Tricks? 2 weeks pp here and my son is a terror all of a sudden. I realize he’s going through major change also, but he’s learned to climb on EVERYTHING since his sister has been born. Chairs onto tables the second I pull down my shirt to nurse. I try snacks and put tractor videos on YouTube, but they only work so long. He’s not a tv watcher, believe me I tried. I brought up putting some kid games on the iPad but my husband doesn’t want to. I just want him to be safe. TiA

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Is he interested in his little sister at all? My daughter is 10 weeks (my son is 20 months) and I have him help me a lot to keep him occupied while I’m occupied with her. I try to be super enthusiastic and make it fun. Have him bring you her diapers and wipes, talk to him about her, tell him what she’s doing, point out her little body parts and show him that he’s the same! (He thinks it’s hilarious that she has “smelly toes” too lol) I think a big thing with kids at this time is making them feel equal and know that you haven’t forgotten about them at all. Make them feel included so it’s fun for them! I think they get a little reckless at first because they’re jealous and want the attention they used to have and that’s totally normal. Like you said it’s a huge change! So just keeping them included and showing them that there’s plenty of love for everyone is super important! Even though my daughter is still so little, her and my son are already best friends. You can see how much they love each other! It’s truly the best! Good luck!


𝑔𝒶 • Jul 6, 2019
Awe poor little guy just misses mamas attention! Can you have him close while you nurse her? Like put an arm around him and read to him or play a video? I find that sometimes my son just wants the same close feeling that he sees my daughter getting


Jillian • Jul 6, 2019
He’s very hit and miss with her. He also loves her stinky feet! But he definitely gets standoffish when I feed her. He does help with diapers and baths. I’m trying to explain he ate lunch, now it’s Ruby’s turn to eat lunch. Which semi seems to work. I found a YouTube channel tonight that he actually sat and watched, but he was still trying to move sister who was cluster feeding out of my lap


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I’m going through the same, I tell him to bring me his books to read because he loves books and I read it to him, I put on cartoons, I sit with him and his toys. But sometimes it’s so frustrating because all he wants to do is climb everything and he knows I don’t want him doing it so he does it for attention


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I need tips too, my daughter is having so many meltdowns as my 12 week old needs to be held ALOT 😣


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I put toys out and nurse on the floor so I’m sat with my daughter whilst she plays :)