Custody with my son

Dana • Proud mother of 4! Baby #5 on the way!
Well me n his father aren't together and my Lil dude is 1 years old. His father gets him every other weekend. Since the courts have it that way. Me n his father are civil for the most part. This weekend was his weekend with him but he asked me if I would let him take him tonight so he could have a lil more time with him this weekend. So I agreed to let him take him today. And I swear even when he doesn't get him early I still hate this. I truly hate my son not being with me. I know my son needs his father in his life and deserves that but it doesn't make it any easier on me when the weekends come that he goes by his dads. I miss him so much I cry so much. I wish it didn't have to be this way. My daughter is always with me all the time cuz her father isn't in her life so I dnt have to go thru this and we even have court papers that he has visits with her and he doesn't even do them. So it's so much easier with her cuz she doesn't have to leave me. I'm scared my son will like his father more when he grows up. I feel like I'm losing my son very slowly. ; (