What the actual fuck just happened?

So this is so stupid.

So my boyfriend was grilled out food yesterday while I was in the living room watching a movie on Netflix. He would occasionally walk in and look at the tv for a moment and walk back out to the grill. So he comes in and says “ what is this movie even about it looks stupid!”

I say “ it’s about a guy who wakes up in someone else’s body everyday”

He says “ oh okay so he’s inside that girl now”

And I say “ no that’s the girl he likes”

And he says “ no your wrong. He’s inside that girl now “

And I say no.

He says “ god your dumb. I’m right. He’s in her body “

I get mad and say “ I am the one who has been watching the whole movie. I know what I’m talking about “

He says “ god your stupid, repeats it again. god your stupid. It’s embarrassing how little you know about stuff, are you retarded “

I get really mad now and tell him to leave me alone and go back outside.

He says see how crazy you are? Getting all worked up over a movie!!

I prove to him that I was right about the movie. And he walks over to me and says

“ ok tell me your sorry”

And I’m like “ what ? Me ? Why would I apologize ? You are the one who called me names”

And he says it again “ tell me your sorry for getting worked up “

I say no! And he finally walks away.

What. Just. Happened. Was my final thought. I felt insane after he walked away.