A little earlier than expected .. 💓


My little Zulie Anaïs was originally due on October 13 but decided she didn’t want to wait that long! She was born July 2, 2019 at 7:46 pm via c-section at just 25 weeks and 3 days. She weighed 1 lb. 9 oz. and measured at 13 inches. Emotions have been flying high the past few days but my family, boyfriend, and I are just all relieved that she is doing so well for being so small! C-section was not something I wanted to do but it was what was best for her and I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m recovering pretty well and my scar is barely noticeable. Loved all the doctors, nurses, and surgeons who took care of me while I was at the hospital. Baby is still in the nicu and will most likely be there up until her due date so it’s been extremely challenging being away from her even though I go see her everyday, but today I get to hold her for the first time and i couldn’t be more excited. I love her so much. Even in these tough circumstances God has blessed me. I am so thankful. My first little baby, my first little mini me. She’s my world.

-and for all the mommies currently in their 25th/26th week, your baby is already pretty developed in there! (: