36+1 and crazy contractions


I have been having Braxton Hicks since 28 weeks, just yesterday I began having contractions with a whole lot of pain, mainly in my back but in my pelvic area too. A lot of pressure and period like cramps. They were at least 10 minutes apart so I wasn’t worried, I did get really nauseas and threw up once last night. Today I’ve had soft stool and the same period like cramps all day constantly. I’ve had a few contractions but nothing major. And I’ve been having constant pressure in my hips and pelvis... I’m thinking that’s just from her dropping? Or moving into the birth canal? Does it look like my baby has dropped yet?

My main concern is that I haven’t felt my baby move today, and she’s typically moving all day😅

FTM so I’m just trying to get a little input:)

I don’t like to make a big deal out of nothing and I don’t want to go to the birthing center unless I absolutely have to. I do see my doctor tomorrow for my weekly checkup so I’m just holding off until then. Does anyone think I should talk to my doctor before my appointment tomorrow?