Nap durations flip flop after sleep training.


So my son has been recently sleep trained because at 5 months he decided to just keep waking up every 2 hours and nurses to sleep everytime...he just turn 8 months. But last week he started fighting his naps...missing them sometimes in addition to being rocked and held to sleep so my husband decided to sleep train. It went very well and hes sleeping through the night with one wake at 430 am

BUT now he sleeps 15-30 mins during his first 2 naps and maybe 1 hour or 2 on his 3rd. He use to do the opposite. 1 hour every 1st and 2nd nap then 30 mins on 3rd. Exclusively breast fed. What is this?? Do we need to feed him more?? Or do we just need to adjust his nap and bedtime? Or something else?