Yoni pearls

I know most people don’t agree with using the yoni pearls and are against them. I just wanted to share an update on my experience with them. I used the pearls for three days but I only used one each day and would switch it with a new one each day. Per my doctor she said they are fine to use and told me just don’t use all three at once. I made sure to drank a gallon or more each day and no alcohol, sugar or processed foods. I actually recently went vegan- anyways. When it came time for the “purge” I wore a panty liner and only a few things “came out” but it was enough to shock me.

A pitch black THING roughly the size of a quarter and more the size of a few Nickels of what looks like toilet tissue wet and dyed black and balled up came out of me. After prying at it I found it was actually vaginal tissue but it was wrapped in what actually look like really wet black coffee grounds/ gross I know.

I did get my nexplanon removed last year after having two cycles of it so almost 6 years I had it in. During that time I suffered so much depression. I suffered vaginal dryness and I NEVER stopped spotting for about 4 whole years so my doc wanted it removed she said it wasn’t safe for me with all the constant bleeding. Sex was so hard when I was always spotting. For years when we had sex I could never actually get wet and when he did enter me there would always be a mix of new and old blood on his penis/tummy after and I felt disgusting but he never minded.

After seeing my doc again I pulled a picture of it up in my phone and she told me it was VERY OLD tissue and the coffee grounds stuff was VERY OLD BLOOD!!! Most likely still in my uterus. And it was still INSIDE me all this time 😫 i also showed some white stuff that came out after that and she said it looked like yeast 🤷🏾‍♀️

I did feel better after all of that was out of me and I have noticed an increase in lubricant during intercourse and so has my man enough to comment on it. And on top of that my period are normal and I’m OVULATING AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I stopped ovulation for some reason but it’s back now like it never left! I can even feel the pain from ovulating again and my sticks are coming out with DARK lines ♥️♥️♥️♥️

So if you are skeptical about the pearls I know it’s not the same for everyone and we all have different bodies but if you wanna try them. Try them.

Please don’t comment anything rude or disrespectful. I know a lot of people don’t believe in holistic approaches to medical issues but I’m not the kind of person to go to the doctor and take a pill just because they say it’ll make you better.

Update!! I got pregnant within two weeks of using the pearls! After having unprotected sex for over a year and a half I managed to get pregnant two weeks after I purged all that gross stuff out and went vegan 🌱