Tell me about your haaka experience


So I just ordered one, I’m EBF but pump in between to get a stash which is going great. I have 22 bags in my freezer totaling 93 oz, YAHOOO!!! The haaka was recommended but I have so many questions

-How do you pour the milk into a storage bag? It seems like an odd shape and I don’t want to spill a single drop lol

-Will it completely eliminate the need of having to be strapped to the pump?

-Can I switch breasts with it when I switch baby to a different breast?

-How do you clean/sanitize it?

-Do you have to squeeze it often? Or is it just like every now and then?

- What breastfeeding position works best for you when also using the haaka?? Does the “football” work best?? Some people say it gets in the way and baby kicks it and moves it around and it just becomes a hassle for them

TIA for answering my questions! Can’t wait to try it out!