What would you do?

My doctors office is horrible about calling back when we call with questions and my doctor tends to use the phrase “don’t worry about it” a little too much. So here’s my dilemma...earlier I went to use the restroom to pee, I thought I was done but I sat there for about 10 to 15 seconds and felt more “pee” come out. So I waited and felt more come out. My first thought was my water had broken so I waited a bit, nothing more. I kept having the urge to go but nothing. I haven’t had that happen since, but my lower back has been hurting and I’ve been feeling kinda crampy since then. I had contractions all day yesterday but not consistent enough to go in. I just started having contractions 8 to 6 minutes apart. Would you go to the hospital and get checked just in case or wait it out a while longer to see if contractions get closer together or have more leakage?