Doctors office dropping the ball


I went through <a href="">IVF</a>/pregnancy/miscarriage in February-April. My nurse was great and the office was great. Now I’m starting the frozen transfer process. There is a new nurse hired and another nurse I dealt with a little bit who is so nice. Went for a baseline 7:30am yesterday. 4:30pm hits no call. They usually make their calls around 1p-2pm. So I call at 4:30 and the receptionist said she will send a message for them to call me. 6pm rolls around and I finally get a call saying my labs are good and I can start estrogen. I forgot to ask about my thyroid (I asked for It to be tested cause I take thyroid meds and wanted to make sure It was good before going into transfer). The first nurse didn’t mention Thyroid results at all. I sent a message today at 7:30am asking if It was tested. I get a message back at 6:15pm saying it’s low and i need to drop my dosage. They also asked if my dosage is 150mcg. Well it’s not, it’s 100mcg which they should know. So now I have to wait to hear from them tomorrow and also have a prescription filled for a new dosage. Idk if it’s a weird week or if it’s because there is a new nurse. This nurse is familiar with fertility because my friend that did <a href="">IVF</a> at another clinic had this exact nurse. Sorry for the long rant but I’m already anxious about my transfer and this is adding to it

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