A conundrum 🤦🏻‍♀️


So... Sorry for the long post!

So, recently I found out I have gestational diabetes. Well, yesterday a fight got started on Facebook from a person who thinks they are better than everybody. I thought his fiancé was my friend but they both basically say that my baby is unhealthy and that their baby is healthy. Not only did they attack me, they attacked my family during the whole thing. All over a post because one of my friends said something about mountain dew🤦🏻‍♀️ I posted about my c section date being set and being excited to meet my baby boy and he basically laughed at my post. His fiancé smoked weed her entire pregnancy. If you look up gestational diabetes you can find studies about it being common, especially with your second child. I didn’t choose to have gestational diabetes. I said something to his fiancé trying to figure out what his problem was. Then she came after me on my post and basically said I had it coming. She got upset during her pregnancy because someone told her “your baby ain’t here yet, anything can happen”. I stood up for this girl, just to have her attack me for no reason. They were probably both drinking and both high when they attacked my family and I on Facebook. One thing that really got me was he posted a comment on my fiancé’s post because I was commenting back and forth with my cousin about getting my tubes tied. He literally says “that’s because you can’t keep yourself healthy to take care of a child”. Am I overreacting to being upset about all this? I don’t drink or smoke. I didn’t smoke when I wasn’t pregnant. I barely had a drink when I wasn’t pregnant. They drink everyday, they smoke weed almost everyday. But they want to judge me because I have gestational diabetes. They have a 4 month old. My son will be 3 years old a month after his brother arrives. They say I have never sacrificed for my child(ren). But they can’t go without alcohol or weed. Maybe I’m overreacting but it just irritates me to no end. I do whatever I can for my kids, even though the one isn’t here yet.

I probably sound judgmental, I promise I’m not trying to be. But I’m just tired of the drama people want to try to start with me. God forbid I be pregnant with my second child🤷🏻‍♀️ Omg! I have gestational diabetes🙄 I’ve laughed most of it off, but it still really upsets me. I’m sorry for such a long post, I needed to rant a little.