What do I do 🤦🏼‍♀️

So I’m 16 I have separated parents who have 50/50 joint custody of me.

I like both of my parents, but I don’t overly enjoy being at either ones house.

My dad is constantly at work so I never get to see him, and I get stuck at home with my Step mum who I don’t get on with very well, she’s a massive control freak, and clean freak, and I can’t do any of the things I need to do like homework or studying or social life or anything like that, without her making me do chores which she is more than capable of doing.

My step sister is 18 but she’s horrible too, i was better than her in school and I had a better social life growing up, don’t get me wrong I never used it against her but our parents on that side of my family used to tell her to be more like me etc, because of this she now takes every opportunity to point out anything I do wrong, or make fun of me or call me weird etc.

And then there’s my mums house.

I don’t talk to my stepdad at all, like we don’t even acknowledge each other.

My mum gambles a lot because she gets money for it and claims that she’s not addicted but idek.

She says she doesn’t have a job because it’s too difficult with the kids school hours and stuff, but there’s millions of other mums who manage to work while their kids are at school? And she worked when I was younger and at school?

I wish she would go out and get a job, even I have a damn job. It annoys me how lazy she is. She sits about and does nothing all day, I have to deep clean the entire house monthly because it gets so disgusting because she never does it. I have to look after the pets and remind her of what needs doing. She doesn’t act like a mum at all and it’s horrible. I have two younger sisters who are 4 and 7, and she never tried or even tries to teach them lessons or be patient with them, she just yells at them if they do one thing wrong. Like if they’re talking a bit too loud at the dinner table or messing about a little she doesn’t ask them to stop she just yells.

It’s like she’s given up, or can’t be bothered to be a mum at all and I’m starting to build resentment towards her for it.

I’m off to college in September, and the longer hours of work are going to make it nearly impossible to do the housework and basically raise my sisters at the same time.

I want to move out as soon as possible I think, but I am worried about leaving my sisters with mum, and my stepdad has bad anger issues which can sometimes turn violent.

As I said, I want to move out.

Does anyone have any tips and tricks of how I can save enough money within a year or two, while balancing college and grades, to be able to earn enough money to move out? I am already working three jobs this summer, and I’m already trying to apply for another.

Thank you in advance :)