I just need to vent all this frustration out. Selfish and greedy family.


To start with, I’d like to give you all a background of the issue. So i don’t live in the USA. I live in a country that is going through a recession and high inflation rate só everything around here is very expensive as you can imagine.

My mom has a twin brother. despite the situation in the country both of them earn well enough to raise each of their families. I’m my moms only child, whilst my uncle has 7 other children. From what my moms said, my uncle earns significantly more than her, not that my moms earns a low salary. For example, when my uncle went to Portugal, he spent around 30000 euros on Prada just on suits. Not that I’m judging, but you’ll understand what I’m saying this.

Most of my cousins live abroad, however the youngest two are still living in my country. I live with my mom and grandma, and when my cousins are staying at their father( their parents are divorced and they rotate between their parents house every week), my uncle, they come to my house everyday. Because of this my cousins come to my house every day, every other week. It would all be fine except that my mom pays for everything. Food here is becoming more and more expensive every single day and yet my mom pays for the food that they eat whilst they are here. For example my I’m not exaggerating but if I were to convert how much my mom spends on food it would be around a thousand dollars, if not more.

Last month, my mom renovated the house and she spend a lot of money on it. Two weeks ago, my cousin broke the handler of the door. It was BRAND NEW.

Idk how this will sound for y’all. I just wish that my mom would speak against all of this. I know that she wants to avoid family issues and that’s why she keeps silent but I’m just annoyed and done.

The reason why I’m writing this is because I just couldn’t hold it in anymore. I was watching a tv sow when I saw my uncle and his children taking ice cream that my mom bought on Sunday and just eating it all. Then I saw my uncle eating the rest of the food that was supposed to be for my mom. She works until late and when she arrives home, there will be nothing left for her to eat, even tho she is the one that bought the food.

I know that this may make me sound like a spoiled child or whatever but I’m just done. My uncle should contribute for what he and his children eat and break. Yet, he does nothing.