My baby daddy was on the news

So yesterday I was on my way to work when a friend of mine sends me a txt asking if I can talk. I immediately pulled over and txt her back asking what was going on.. she sends me a news clip of my sons biological father being arrested. Charges? Vandalizing cars, threatening to rape people online and pistol whipping his ex girlfriends new boyfriend. This man is not in mine or my sons life (thank god) because he’s a deadbeat piece of shit. We broke up 5 years ago and I’ve since married and my son has been adopted by my new husband. I count my lucky stars that I don’t have to deal with that drama. When he and I were together, he got me pregnant on purpose to try to leech off of me and was verbally and physically abusive. It took me over a year to get myself into a situation where I could get him out of my life for good. I keep tabs on him via alias social media pages and I would see him post pictures of drugs, guns, prostitutes, and even himself smoking what I think was crack. So after he and I broke up, he moved on to the next victim. They were together briefly and she ended up having a baby with him. They broke up but continued to have drama for about a year and just recently she got a new man. So on Sunday morning, baby daddy decided to go to the new boyfriends house and terrorize the family that lived there. He slashed the cars tires, threatened them on Instagram, threatened suicide and even fired shots into the air before fleeing. He was later caught and arrested but the family contacted the news to help out because they’re afraid he’ll come back. After he and I broke up he tried to pull some crazy shit like that with me but he knew my brothers would fuck him up if he even dared. He has 4 kids with 4 different women of all ages. None if these women want anything to do with him. I’m the only one he doesn’t bother though. Not really anyway. He still contacts my brother and asks about me periodically (never asks about his son) and my brother always tells him I’m not interested in communicating with him. This happened in south Florida (of course) u can check channel 7 news online for the story. “Man arrested and accused of vandalism and threatening to rape on social media” is the headline