

I had an early ultrasound at 5 weeks 6 days. There was two gestional sacs one with a yolk sac and nothing else, one with nothing inside. My ob said this is consistent with early pregnancy twins and normal, but should be followed up on in two weeks. He said the fetal pole and yolk sac become visable around 5.5-6.5 weeks, which means it's probably just early and it could be even earlier than we thought because I might have ovulated a couple days late. Well I still have had symptoms and no sign of miscarriage almost two weeks later, I go for a second ultra sound on monday. Today I saw a P.A. for a follow up and she said it seemed like I was going to miscarry by the ultrasound?

Why would she worry me like that when my O.B. didn't seem worried?

Should I be worried?