The pregnancy stomach pain 🤰🏾🤰🏾🤰🏾😭😭😭 HELP !!

Soul • Jesus and my hubby and my lil blob growing in my belly and of course my pups 💕🙏🏾🤰🏾

Soo does anyone else have horrible stretching stomach pains 🤰🏾🤰🏾 that they just can’t do anything about ?

I figured out from google and the pharmacy at safe way that you can’t take Advil which apparently causes instant miscarriages 😭😭😭 and I feel so shitty know cuz I took it 3 nights in a row.

I picked up some Tylenol yesterday and it doesn’t help really but it makes me trip balls 😂😂 like I’ve never taking drugs at all and I felt high like super high ! Like my skin was vibrating ! 🤦🏾‍♀️

Does anyone know what you can take while being pregnant and won’t harm the baby 👶🏽 and actually is effective ?

My pain level is just through the roof ! I can’t even walk. If I do walk the dogs I’m hunched over and massaging my stomach 🤰🏾🤦🏾‍♀️