Rules for meeting baby


Anything you ladies think I should add or revise ??

Since we are a few short weeks away from our sweet baby girl being here there are a few things I’d like everyone to respect when coming to meet her.

While we are at the hospital

•if you have been or currently are sick DO NOT come.

•DO NOT kiss the baby.

•children 12 and under can not come unless they are her sibling (hospital rules not mine)

•unless I’ve already discussed it with you, keep the visit short we are tired.

•wash your hands before touching her.

•if I or her daddy has not posted about her yet, you don’t need to either.

After we are released

•we will not be making a trip to see you, but you are welcome to come to our house and see her.

•same rules as above apply, except we will allow other kids to come if they are related to her. Her cousins aunts and uncles are welcome.

•respect that we are tired, we just brought a life into this world. we are not trying to be rude but we want to rest and enjoy our little blessing.

Edited to add: to those who are saying I should rewrite this because I sound “rude” please elaborate, because when it comes to a newborn baby I don’t believe you can be too blunt, I feel as if being direct as to what are wishes are for our baby is the best way to go so there is no misunderstandings.

I do not want to sound rude in any way, that’s why I posted in here asking if I need to revise/add. Telling me i sound rude doesn’t help with what I was asking.