Just A Rant!


*Warning: Its long and just venting* So my baby is going to be born any day now (shes actually 4 days late) and we dont have very much for her. I'm 20 years old and my SO is 23. This pregnancy caught the both of us off guard, especially since we both thought we couldnt have kids (I had birth control and he had been in a previous 7year relationship and wasnt able to have kids with her). Anyways, my family and friends have been extremely unsupportive. I actually lost ALL of my friends and the relationship with my family in these past 9 months. His parents have been absolutely amazing tho and I feel so bad. They've done everything for us. From helping us move states so we could be closer to them, to helping us move into an apartment, to helping us get a car seat so we can bring home babygirl and have a few diapers and wipes. They dont have a ton of money either so they're seriously going out of their way to help us. I'm currently unemployed because no one would hire me being pregnant so it's only my boyfriend bringing in money and we're ready going to be short on rent for August. I thought I had a good support system with family and friends and everyone knows our situation but no one cares. I know that no one has to help and maybe I'm just being selfish in wishing they would. Ive also only been living in the states coming on 2 years because I grew up as a missionary kid. But no one will even help out by just buying some diapers off of our baby registry. My boyfriend's mom and one of her friends are the only people who have gotten anything off of it and his mom is the one who made it for us (which I'm so grateful for!)

I guess I'm just really disappointment in my family, especially my parents. They wont even be there for her birth. And I'm just scared we wont be able to give her everything she needs. I know I'll have to start working as soon as I possibly can so we dont end up homelessness, but I'm so scared I wont even get to raise my own child because I'll have to work all the time.