I went to the ER


I went in to go get checked yesterday extremely concerned for an ectopic pregnancy. I had a ton of right sided sharp cramping pain it wasn't unbearable but bad enough. All of this started Sunday, so the very first day I went to my hospital and they didn't do anything but run an hcg which was 625 I was 5+5. Yesterday the pain became a lot worse so I went to a different hospital I was 6+2. My hcg was 20,000?! (One of the two places were wrong I bet it was the first one). They gave me an ultrasound and looked at my ovaries and fallopian tubes they were okay. My baby is in my uterus!!!! Heart beating at 121♥️♥️♥️ but I was diagnosed with early appendicitis. I'm getting treated with antibiotics for now and I'll pray I don't need surgery because I don't want to lose this little babe..