communication issues...plz help

im at loss i dont know how to effectively communicate with him. i feel like he sees it as a problem and to me i see it more like a oil change. idk what do u guys think? we live 4 hrs apart for now. We will be together next July permanently.



i want us to communicate better, because i think for a while now I've been well Bored(This does not mean i am in any way rejecting u or dont want to be with u, just want to make that clear) i think since the move and the 3rd baby i feel disconnected from u. sometimes i feel like i barely know u anymore. like there is new layers of u that i haven't discovered completely yet.


Bored how? First I wasnt doing it for you sexually


i think we dont spend enough time together or like doing things just us 2 and i think thats important. Sexytime is getting better still wanna do a couple other things


You do realize to me you have a problem with everything I do or don't do. Sex had sucked and now you're bored. With two kids in the picture don't leave a lot of alone time. But you knew this. To me it seems like you are continuously having one issue or another with me.


i don't see it as a "ISSUE" i just see our relationship changing over the years because we are changing as individuals. which if fine it should be that way. im just saying that i would like to do more things as a pair. i know we have 3 kids but its also important to make time for just us. i NEVER said that sex sucked. i said i wasnt sexually satisfied that does not mean that i didnt like it b4 or anything along that. i just wanted us to do more things/ other things/new things.