
So I just had my ultrasound after confirming that no baby was visible (again), and they want me to come back AGAIN in two weeks to see if there's any growth. The doctor is now changing her mind after I caught a mini attitude about this. What positive sign am I receiving to receive a second ultrasound if there is no fetal growth, for a second time? I should be 8w5d by now and, unless I ovulated extra late, I should be seeing something. I see just an empty sac...nothing else - no fetal pole, nothing. On top of that, I'm still bleeding, still lost my symptoms, my HCG levels (last time I checked) went from 6446 to 6500...like I'm really lost. If the sac is still intact, that's a different story. But has there ever been a situation where this would even be turned into a positive outcome? Me and my boyfriend already accepted that this isn't a viable pregnancy, but all these ultrasounds are giving me false hope, almost