Good Deed I Might Regret

So I’ve met this girl online and we talk everyday about our pregnancy for a couple months. She just recently had her baby. So like every once in a while, she always tell me how she don’t eat or if she do it’s not until her husband gets home at midnight & that’s if they let him bring food home.

Today, she gave me the sad story and I kinda bought into because I know how it feels to not just eat at all. So I ordered her something to eat or what not. It was from the kindness of my heart but I just feel like after you do something for people they’re going to ask or feel like you have the means to do it again. I’ll honestly hate for her to feel like she can ask me to do this or that because of this one time I helped her. And I say I feel she would do it because on Facebook she’s always posting all these post how nobody is there for her and I’m not sure if after this time, she’s going to expect me to be there for her bc of this one deed.

I’m not.

I don’t mean to sound like an asshole. I got a baby on the way too. I’m not fortunate myself, I was just blessed and wanted to bless another person.

Should I explain to her in advance or just wait for her to ask again?