Should YOU have a say..?

So my son has been in the NICU for almost 12 weeks now. He was born at 28 weeks exactly. He doesnt really have any medical issues other then prematurity and slight lung disease from the CPAP.

About 3 weeks ago he started bottle feeding. The one thing I've learned from him being in here is that the nurses DO NOT like to elaborate on situations. It was a "simple" recipe for discharge. Get off CPAP for 48 hours and take a bottle for 48 hours. That's all it takes to come home. Theres more detail into it then just that. By what they mean take a bottle doesnt mean they have to be sucking and eating. They have to take the ENTIRE bottle. 8 bottles a day, 58ml. I calculated that to a little over 15 ounces but I honestly feel like that's a lot. Even if he took some of the bottle and lost interest or even just acted like he wasnt hungry they would force him to take it through his feeding tube in his nose. They feed him every 2-3 hours. My son gets so gassy and barely poops... I'm thinking it's because of eating too much. Hes a little over 7 pounds now.

I've addressed the situation with his current nurse and has told me all babies are put on this certain calculation of how much they need to be eating per day to gain a certain amount a weight. All babies are different and that's what gets to me. Sure some babies can take all that food at once but others can not. She basically told me there is nothing I can really do about it but i feel like this is wrong. A baby should only eat when they are hungry in my eyes. If you wouldnt want to be forced to eat why should an infant be? All I ask is to lower his food amount or to only feed him when hes hungry but they wont do that.

I honestly feel so helpless... I get the doctors are doing what they can for him but hes not incredibly ill or at risk for anything like he was back when he was born. As a young 18 year old first time mom and with that being a NICU mom it's so hard. I just want him out of this place. I feel like I should have a say in when he eats

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