Get it or no ??

Hello ladies so I have a question ,

Kinda dumb but I need advice lol

So me and my fiancé (live together, have our house & 6m son) are talking about going and getting his initial a J in cursive on my inner right foot like by my heel that little spot idk what it’s called lol well I’m the one who brought it up , Nd he says well let’s go soon , so then I think about what my fam will say .. they are not all for tattoos I have three roses on my shoulder and it took me 4 yrs to show my mom she was pist . Well anyways this man deserves a lot he gives me everything I need and more . I always wear a J on my necklace so I think instead of getting his whole name I could get just a J in a spot were it won’t be so noticeable.. am I dumb for worrying about what my fam will say because I know they will say what if we split this and that .. or should I get it till we get married cause that’s what I’ve been saying as my excuse 🤷🏼‍♀️ also this Mother’s Day I wanna thinking of getting my sons name since it was special for me and I mentioned it to my mom and she said what did I want a reminder of my son on my body that my csec scar was enough 😒😒