Our little angel is in heaven now 07/12/19 ♡

I would of been 9 weeks today. I started bleeding and had clots my 5th week so I went to the emergency thinking I miscarried again. They told me it was too early to tell if there was a fetus. The bleeding stopped until my 7th week I started bleeding like a period ever since. I thought for sure with all the blood that I had lost the baby. Until yesterday I used the restroom and seen this. I walked out and my body didnt even give me time to process the thought. I just started feeling like i couldnt breathe and my chest hurt and upper back. I felt so nauseous as my s/o was trying to comfort me, i kept pulling myself away. Then he just grabbed me and held me telling me to let it out. I still did not know what i was going through until i just broke down crying like I never have before. When i finally calmed down I was so confused what just happened. This being our third miscarriage I realized how different each pregnancy and loss are not the same and we dont deal with them the same. They all hurt us very much and I cried. But I think actually seeing the sac and our baby made this one so much more difficult for me. We are blessed with a 7 year old and as painful as losing a baby is I do feel blessed to have our daughter♡ For any of you ladies struggling to get pregnant or struggling with a miscarriage I send prayers your way and all my love♡♡♡♡♡