Having such a hard time and feel awful


Hi ladies how are you

I’m in what feels like the worst depression of my life. I’m pregnant 34 weeks and I moved across the state at about 17 weeks. I’ve made some friends at work but now I’m pretty much done working because of a pre term labor scare I have been home just nesting and cleaning all the time. My partner told me I should go make a best friend around here and I am isolating. I have my friends and family back in my old town but the truth is, in the new town, I never feel like going out I never feel like connecting with anyone and I honestly feel kind of mad that he said that because I feel so vulnerable. I feel like it’s so hard to connect with other women while I am pregnant and while I am not pregnant as well. I had one class a week I am almost finished with I feel like I get along in class ok with this girl but it’s like I am in a different life stage than other people. Girls my age around here seem to not have kids. I feel like my whole life I come up with reasons why I can’t relate because I dontknow how. I ’m such an anxious person and I feel like a bug under the microscope right now with him. I’m sleeping in the couch because I feel so upset and depressed. I look in the mirror I see a lonely girl who has gained 25 lbs and “let herself go” even though I am growing a baby. I feel so ugly and pathetic I just want to cry.